Infinite Health Family Chiropractic
New patients often remark how welcoming our office is. That's good, because our goal is to offer state-of-the-art chiropractic care in a comfortable setting.
Make Yourself at Home
You'll find plenty of convenient parking and an easily accessible office. You'll be greeted by name when you enter.
If you've already completed your application for care online, great! If not, after doing so you will be given a short tour of the office followed by what to expect during the screening process and what is a subluxation. You will then meet Dr. Sam during a brief consultation.
We Explain Everything First
The purpose of your consultation is to discuss your health goals, determine if you have subluxations and see if chiropractic is likely to help you. If it looks promising, a thorough examination will help identify the cause of your problem.
Our examination is one of the most thorough you will ever have to grade and gauge the health of your spine. After palpation by the doctor to determine if you have subluxations, we will most likely take a set of x-rays to determine degenerative changes. Our office also performs a thermal scan of your spine, range of motion tests, neurological and orthopedic tests. We follow it up with a thorough health and trauma history to get a complete and accurate view of the person in front of us.
Patients appreciate that we explain everything in advance. You will too!
Your second visit is very important! This is when you will gather with other new practice members for a 30 minute report from your doctor about the ways in which chiropractic care may be able to help you achieve your health goals. We call this visit "The Group Report".
During this visit, you will learn how chiropractic is different from medical care, and why it is such a safe, effective means of helping you to get well and stay well. You'll learn how the accumulation of stress in the body leads to decreased health and how the chiropractic adjustment helps your body adapt more efficiently to everyday stress. You will learn that health is not only about how your body is feeling (symptoms), but also how well your body is functioning. And, you'll learn that while chiropractic care is very effective for pain relief, it can also be an essential component of your overall wellness strategy. We will then break out with you individually to go over your personal and special findings from your examination. You will receive your first adjustment at the end of the group report. In total, the second visit may take about an hour.
Naturally, your first two visits take a little longer simply because of the thorough evaluation we perform and the time it takes to explain our findings.
"Will all my visits take that long?" we're often asked.
In a word, no. With your individual care plan laid out, regular visits will be much faster. Plan on 5-15 minutes.
You'll notice our main adjusting area is in an open area, much like many orthodontic and physical therapy offices. This accelerates the learning for patients of many health concepts like how they might respond to care, nutrition, ergonomics, exercise and the like. We do offer private rooms if preferred.
Because of this efficiency, we run on time. We know your time is valuable, so we do whatever we can to keep on schedule.
Of course all report of findings, re-examinations, and discussion of sensitive topics takes place in private rooms.